This blog is being rebooted in effort to offer a new way to think about and respond to the unprecedented events we are witnessing in America using a framework that corresponds to Ultimate Reality in light of the Truth. By reconsidering the way we view our history, ideas, political systems and the rapidly developing conflicts arising all around us, we will be able to set aside the fear that has gripped our nation and refocus our energies on restoring western civilization by building an American Christendom that adheres to the Truth.
What is Truth? Pontius Pilate asked the same question. The process of answering that question will serve as the means by which western civilization, and the United States for that matter, can be recovered, even if it will look a little different afterwards. But first, we as an American society, must change the way we treat our current worldly ills using a supernatural medicine.
The fact is most Americans view our society as a political dichotomy between “progressivism” and “conservatism.” Or, between Democrats and Republicans. I am intentionally avoiding the term “liberalism” right now to prevent confusion because our modern notions of progressive and conservative politics are BOTH forms of liberalism. This is a key point that I will dive into with much more depth in later posts.
Some would like to claim they are “open-minded” and take a middle of the road approach. This, of course, hasn’t solved anything and has simply made our current situation worse. A so-called moderate approach is actually not a middle or third way at all but an often non-sensical, non-harmonious concocted patchwork of progressive and conservative ideas. At worst, a political moderate tends to hold a lukewarm dedication to nothing.
I contend that this American political spectrum from “left to right” with moderates sleeping in the middle should not box us in at all. Rather, we need to think completely outside the standard ideological boxes and take a hard look at our history, culture and fundamental core beliefs. We need to look above natural science, politics, economics, and law to a higher reality, a higher authority, for answers to our problems.
The answer to what we are watching now has always been in front of us, but intentionally avoided—depending on who you are, for various reasons. The answer to the current global chaos and instability we are experiencing is a return to the Kingship of Christ and his Mystical Body (i.e. His Church), which all nations and states are called upon to acknowledge. At one point most of western civilization did recognize the role of Christ and His Church in everyday life, only to end up rejecting that notion about 500 years ago. The steady societal decline in faith has only become worse since then, and we are experiencing the consequences.
The Kingship of Christ does not bind itself to the ideas of Rene Descartes, John Locke, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Adam Smith, Karl Marx, Donald Trump, Joe Biden or George Soros. It is not socialism or defined by “limited government”. Nor is it the Freemasonic influenced notion of “social justice” concocted by modernist heretics who openly reject the social teachings of Christ’s Church, while wrapping their ideas in a false cloak of mercy and charity.
To the contrary, Christ’s Kingship is the embodiment of living a virtuous Roman Catholic life, according to the precepts of the natural and divine law, as interpreted by the authentic teaching authority of the Church, in an orderly fashion rooted in both Truth and charity. Societies, made up of individuals and families, are also collectively called to serve Christ in our wider culture and political institutions; this social aspect is referred to as the social kingship of Christ.
Defending and exploring Christ’s social kingship as a remedy for the breakdown of western civilization, with a particular focus on the United States, will make up the bulk of this humble, but important project. Defending His Kingship, with the goal of building up an American Christendom through evangelization and bringing people out of the City of Man and into the City of God, will serve as this project’s purpose.
As someone who spent his entire adult life entrenched in conservative American politics, devoid of true faith or a proper understanding of religion, God has opened my eyes slowly but surely over the past 15 years to an entire new reality: the City of God, that doesn’t look at world events through the prism of progressivism or conservatism that we have become used to. It took me a while to get to this point, and I hope to help others to see the beauty and truth I came to recognize much more quickly because—quite frankly—we are running out of time.
Ultimately, there is a dichotomy we all experience, but it is not confined to Republicans and Democrats. It’s between good and evil, between Christ and Satan, between the City of God and the City of Man, all engaged in a spiritual battle that extends well beyond our natural world, but is obviously now spilling over into it.
We live right now, in these times, amid a battle within a much grander war that remains largely veiled from us while we still walk the face of this planet. We as individual persons and families, together as organized societies, must discern and then be obedient to the ultimate source of Truth and authority. In doing so, not only will we be able to understand what is happening around us, not only will we bring lost souls out of the darkness and into the light of Christ, but we will have the tools to develop an action plan on carrying out our mission. FacebookTwitterEmail