This post is going to be a rant, but it’s a rant that has been due for a long time. There is one good lesson I hope everyone learned following the American midterm elections this year: American politics is a performance act designed to distract and amuse the population while evil continues unabated. That is why it is time to ditch the Republican Party, if you haven’t done so yet.
You would think this is obvious by now, but the reality is there are plenty of Catholics, including traditional Catholics, who cling to the idea that if they just vote for the right-leaning politician, or if the Republican Party gains enough seats, that somehow the direction of this nation will turn around. This is a lie from the devil.
Let me explain something as clear as possible. The biggest political problem in this nation right now is not the Democrat party, it is the Republican Party. Why? Simply because the Republican Party lures otherwise reasonable people away from converting souls and defending Christ’s Kingship into participating in a lie, which is modern American politics. The GOP gives well-meaning folks false hope that if they just donate a little more to such and such politician, or pound the pavement for more votes, that the Republican Party will be able to save the nation from the evil that is the Democrat Party and all its evil programs.
As a result, millions spend time and money trying to win political elections when the entire system itself is corrupted and unmoored from Jesus Christ. How is any political system, regardless of which party controls it, supposed to thrive if it is not centered on Truth—that, is the Kingship of Jesus Christ? It obviously cannot because every other option is based on, or grounded in, error and lies.
The Republican Party is no different in this respect from the Democrat Party. Who makes up the bulk of Republican politicians and voters? Those who we think are “good” people, hardworking, faith-based, pro-family, anti-abortion citizens trying to succeed and live a good life. And that certainly may be the case. But if we take a deeper look under the surface, are Republican politicians and voters really all that different than Democrat politicians and voters?
Part of the sleight of hand and distortion undergirding American politics is that those who support the Republican Party are really on the side of Jesus Christ. Both the left and right in this country tend to associate Republicans with religious virtue, positively or negatively depending on your ideology. But, I must ask again, is that really true? Time to pick the wound and this is going to sting.
How many “good” Republicans do you know that are currently on their second or third marriages? Many of these folks entered into valid marriages and then obtained a civil divorce. And now they are marrying “second” and “third” spouses. We know, and more importantly THEY know, that Christ forbade divorce (see Mark 10:6-12). And yet, they are living in a state of open adultery and continue to hold themselves out as faithful, Bible believing Christians. Many of them also claim to oppose “gay” marriages yet have no problem with attending adulterous weddings and showering open adulterers with presents, gifts, and congratulations. This is scandalous.
How many “good” Republicans do you know say that they are opposed to abortion, but are more than happy to promote and defend contraception use? “Sure,” they say, “I am opposed to killing babies in the womb because I can see them on an ultrasound, but I have no problem whatsoever with ensuring the continuation of the promiscuous sexual culture that fuels abortion if contraception is used to avoid conceiving babies.” One less soul created is one less dead baby, I suppose is their logic. Is anyone in the Republican Party willing to question the common denominator between abortion and contraception—the disconnect between the sexual act and conception of babies? Or maybe just look at the history of Planned Parenthood, which from the beginning was all about contraception with abortion being the natural and logical consequence?
One more example. What about those “good” Republicans who bought into one of the biggest criminal crimes against humanity in history—the Coronascam—and openly and actively promoted the use of untested abortion-tainted poison on a population that is now causing massive “unexplained” deaths across the nation today? In recent election debates, did you hear your favorite Republican politician condemn his Democrat opponent for the role they played in forcing this grave evil on the world for the past two years? Or was it more like that entire topic was just ignored and we just heard debates on the economy and high prices? That’s because Republican politicians (yes, sadly even Donald Trump), along with a good percentage of their voters, bought into the lie that Big Pharma forced on the world.
When considering these examples together, and taking a look at the forest despite the trees, the common thread that runs through these grave, evil parade of errors is that so many “good” Republican voters and politicians reject the Kingship of Christ and lack faith in Christ’s Church.
A significant portion of the Republican Party’s coalition today seems to be technocrat atheists, Protestants, Catholic Modernists, and pro-revolutionary (Ayn Rand loving) Free Masons that worship idols such as the Constitution of the United States and financial powerbrokers at the expense of Jesus Christ. Is it any wonder that this nation has reached such a low point when these are the folks that are supposed to be the “good” guys?
Here is the point. There is a Church and there are members that make up that Church that maintain the faith, keep hope alive and act with charity every day. While certainly not sinless or perfect, traditional Catholics have access to treasures and graces that those clinging to the Republican Party in effort to improve society simply do not know or even outright reject.
That is why our goal must not be to elect more Republicans to office in order to save the nation. Our goal must be to spread the Truth, combat error and convert souls. This is not a matter of Red versus Blue, or Democrat versus Republican, this is a matter of Truth versus Error.
Many of us have friends and loved ones who bought into these errors—both in their political and personal lives. I know I did for many years before my reversion to the faith and then discovering for the first-time traditional Catholicism. Our outlook and goal must shift from relying on false idols in political heroes while supporting the lesser of two evils year after year, to helping our friends and family see the Truth without compromise.
The hard part from my perspective is that this is going to require grace and we need the Holy Ghost to help us in these endeavors to convert our friends, family and ultimately the nation. We know that sin darkens the intellect and piercing these hardened hearts is simply not something we can do by ourselves without grace. Yet, we must do something for the salvation of these souls and in doing so, we will be doing our patriotic duty.
We live in a pagan land, where even the good guys reject the Truth. There are very few of us who recognize Christ’s Kingship for what it is and understand the treasure of graces available at the Traditional Latin Mass. We must strive to be saints, and that means trusting God will aid us in our endeavors despite seemingly overwhelming odds.
But a first step on a material level in this process should be to ditch the Republican Party and the notion that American politics serves as any tool or means for changing the culture and political society. It’s lie from hell, distracts us from the real issues, and is just an elephant in the room taking up space in our lives that needs to be put out to pasture.