Faithful Catholics can now admit that Francis intends to make a “different church” and is not the pope.
Author: The Catholic Esquire
Why I Did Not Become a Permanent Deacon
The modern version of the permanent diaconate undermines the role of the ordained minster contrary to Church Tradition.
“Material Remote Cooperation” with Evil Doesn’t Make the COVID Shot Good
The Modernist’s “remote material cooperation” argument justifying COVID shots does not change the evil nature of the act.
The Amazon Synod’s Connection to COVID Proves the Truth of Catholicism
Understanding the connection between idol worship at the Amazon Synod and COVID actually shows the truth of the Catholic Church.
Connecting the Dots Between the COVID Religion and Abortion
The connection between the “pro-choice” abortion movement and the COVID-19 anti-religion can no longer be avoided. What is this connection? How did we get there?
Unmasking the Maskers: What Matters is Truth not Expert Opinions
Medical experts are just fallible, error prone people like everyone else. It is necessary to dissect expert opinions in order to find the Truth.
Admitting There is an Antichurch: A Necessary Step in Restoring the Church
Restoring the Catholic Church to it’s rightful position in the world is going to require the defeat of a powerful Antichurch that seeks to destroy it.
Combating Modernism and the Great Reset with the Traditional Latin Mass
Truth Check: Bergoglio (Pope Francis) is trying to suppress the Traditional Latin Mass because it remains an obstacle to Modernism and the Great Reset.
The Western Rebellion: A Lesson in Defending the Traditional Latin Mass
Recalling the 1549 English Western Rebellion when the laity defended the Traditional Latin Mass against Archbishop Cramner.
Holy Resistance: A Plan to Defend and Promote the Traditional Latin Mass
Now is the time for the laity to go on offense and resist attacks on the Traditional Latin Mass.