Using simple logic and common sense, we can see why Darwin’s ideas on mankind’s origins (evolution) are obviously false and even dangerous.
Category: Modernism and the Antichurch
Over 100 years ago, Pope St. Pius X called Modernism the synthesis of all heresies. This heresy has infiltrated the Roman Catholic Church at all levels. Achieving formal acceptance at the Second Vatican Council, a new modernist-driven Antichurch has arisen parallel to the real Church that maintains the outward trappings of the Catholic Church but not the core of the faith. This is an unprecedented situation for the Church, but thanks to Pope St. Pius X, those who maintain the faith can recognize and work to root out Modernism from the Church.
Answering “Church Leaders” Who Defend COVID Injections: Part 3- Modernism
The heresy of Modernism places man and science above God even in COVID world.
Answering “Church Leaders” Who Defend COVID Injections: PART 2- Scandal
One of the most overlooked problems with receiving the COVID injections is that it scandalizes others and covers up the evil of abortion.
Answering “Church Leaders” Who Defend COVID Injections: PART 1-Legalism
It’s time to refocus and expose what is really going on with the debate over the morality of receiving abortion-tainted COVID injections.
COVID and the End of the Novus Ordo Mass?
Could the Novus Ordo Mass be heading towards extinction because of COVID-19?
Destroy Modernism to Save the Church
Modernism is the synthesis of all heresies. Saving the Church requires destroying it.
A Reply to Bishop Barron from a Self-Devouring Traditionalist
Bishop Barron continues to criticize traditional Catholics. Enough is enough. Here is a reply from a self-devouring traditionalist.
How Can Faithless Shepherds be Part of the True Church?
The Church’s shepherds abandoned the faithful, but the Donatist controversy gives us reason for hope and shows the true power of the Church.
“Following the Science”: A Modern Heresy Controlling Our Lives
While “following the science” sounds reasonable, it is actually a modern heresy used to control our lives.