Many are experiencing a similar sense of impending doom, or at minimum, uncertainty and anxiety. What can we do?
Category: Restoring Christendom
The Catholic Church condemns the idea of separating Church and state in civil society. While many seek to ignore or cover-up this teaching, the reality is that our culture and society must be grounded on a solid foundation of Truth to prosper. God gave us both Divine and the Natural Law to guide sinful humanity through this life. Our human laws along with our cultural norms must conform to these higher commands if we are to maintain a healthy earthly society and hope for eternal salvation.
Prolife Paradox: The Contraceptive Mentality
Many Catholics and others claim to be “prolife” but refuse to recognize the contraceptive mentality that clouds their worldview.
Feast Day of St. Louis IX
August 25 is the Feast Day of St. Louis IX, King of France. Now is a great time to reflect on this saint.
My Royal Coming Out Party
It’s finally time for my coming out party. What is it going to take to save this nation?
Introducing American Monarch Radio
I am happy to announce a new internet radio show called American Monarch Radio.
Conservative Chaos: From Luther to Bud Light
What does Martin Luther have to do with Bud Light? They both play a cultural role in the current American conservative chaos.
Ignoring the Cross is Rejecting Christ’s Kingship
There is a major problem right now in both protestant and novus ordo Catholic communities and it’s fueling the insanity we witness and experience everyday now in modern America.
We Need More God Control
Less gun control? More gun control? How about more God control? No one is talking about the real problem.
Cancel Disney for Your Sanity and Soul
Has the controversy in Florida finally convinced parents to cancel Disney? Learn the history behind Disney’s legal status in Florida and uncover disturbing themes in popular Disney animated films such as Little Mermaid, Mulan and Toy Story that you may not know about.
Gaslight Free Radio Launch
The Gaslight Free Radio podcast explores traditional principles of Christianity and how to apply them in our secular culture.