Modernists hate the Feast of Christ the King because they believe they are above the authority of Christ and the deposit of faith.
Category: Restoring Christendom
The Catholic Church condemns the idea of separating Church and state in civil society. While many seek to ignore or cover-up this teaching, the reality is that our culture and society must be grounded on a solid foundation of Truth to prosper. God gave us both Divine and the Natural Law to guide sinful humanity through this life. Our human laws along with our cultural norms must conform to these higher commands if we are to maintain a healthy earthly society and hope for eternal salvation.
The Greatest Reason Not to Get the COVID Shot
The greatest reason not to get the COVID shot is to avoid rendering to Caesar what is God’s.
On Christ as the Source of All Political Power
Political power does NOT come from The People—it comes from Jesus Christ. And if we can’t get this right, we deserve everything that is coming to us.
A Not So Secret Conspiracy: The Occult is Everywhere
The occult has infiltrated almost every aspect of society and the culture and most people don’t even realize it.
False Religion, Golden Calves and the Problem with Wearing COVID-19 Face Masks
Why the obsession with face masks is a sign of one’s membership in the false COVID-19 religion.
Why Christians Cannot Morally Vote for Biden
Using moral principles, it is possible to understand why voting for Joe Biden is immoral regardless of what your pastor says.
Rethinking the American Dichotomy
The real dichotomy affecting America is not conservatives vs. progressives, it’s good vs. evil.
Why Obedience to Christ and the Natural Law Does Not Require Theocracy
This last Sunday was the Feast of Christ the King in the traditional liturgical calendar in the Roman Catholic Church. The feast was instituted in 1925 by Pope Pius XI. In doing so, the Pope pointed out in his encyclical Quas Primas that “Jesus Christ was given to man, not only as our Redeemer, but…
Reclaiming the “Nature” in the Natural Law
About 15 years ago, before my reversion to the Catholic faith while sitting in my law school property law class, I remember clear as day the only mention of the natural law in three years of American legal education. It was mentioned by the professor because it was referenced in one line of the textbook….