Responding to tactics bad people use to control you is key to winning the culture war.
Category: World and National Politics
We have entered a phase in human history in which Christendom has been effectively eliminated from civil society, culture and law. This effort to destroy Christendom and build up a new order is not new. It began just before the sixteenth century protestant revolt and continues to this day. Today, the campaign to destroy the Christian order and replace it with a godless, man-centered counterfeit is the Great Reset that operates under the Build Back Better slogan.
Answering Arguments Against COVID Vaccine Objectors
Answering arguments made against COVID vaccine objectors.
Why Modernists Hate the Feast of Christ the King
Modernists hate the Feast of Christ the King because they believe they are above the authority of Christ and the deposit of faith.
The Greatest Reason Not to Get the COVID Shot
The greatest reason not to get the COVID shot is to avoid rendering to Caesar what is God’s.
“Material Remote Cooperation” with Evil Doesn’t Make the COVID Shot Good
The Modernist’s “remote material cooperation” argument justifying COVID shots does not change the evil nature of the act.
Connecting the Dots Between the COVID Religion and Abortion
The connection between the “pro-choice” abortion movement and the COVID-19 anti-religion can no longer be avoided. What is this connection? How did we get there?
Unmasking the Maskers: What Matters is Truth not Expert Opinions
Medical experts are just fallible, error prone people like everyone else. It is necessary to dissect expert opinions in order to find the Truth.
Combating Modernism and the Great Reset with the Traditional Latin Mass
Truth Check: Bergoglio (Pope Francis) is trying to suppress the Traditional Latin Mass because it remains an obstacle to Modernism and the Great Reset.
Disproving Darwinian Evolution Using Logic and Common Sense
Using simple logic and common sense, we can see why Darwin’s ideas on mankind’s origins (evolution) are obviously false and even dangerous.
Answering “Church Leaders” Who Defend COVID Injections: Part 3- Modernism
The heresy of Modernism places man and science above God even in COVID world.