One of the most overlooked problems with receiving the COVID injections is that it scandalizes others and covers up the evil of abortion.
Category: World and National Politics
We have entered a phase in human history in which Christendom has been effectively eliminated from civil society, culture and law. This effort to destroy Christendom and build up a new order is not new. It began just before the sixteenth century protestant revolt and continues to this day. Today, the campaign to destroy the Christian order and replace it with a godless, man-centered counterfeit is the Great Reset that operates under the Build Back Better slogan.
Answering “Church Leaders” Who Defend COVID Injections: PART 1-Legalism
It’s time to refocus and expose what is really going on with the debate over the morality of receiving abortion-tainted COVID injections.
COVID and the End of the Novus Ordo Mass?
Could the Novus Ordo Mass be heading towards extinction because of COVID-19?
A Not So Secret Conspiracy: The Occult is Everywhere
The occult has infiltrated almost every aspect of society and the culture and most people don’t even realize it.
A Darkening of the Intellect: COVID and Sexual Sin
Pervasive sexual sin helps explain the culture’s irrational reaction to COVID and the Great Reset.
Congressional Opening Prayer Invokes Brahma Demon
Opening Congressional prayer invokes the Hindu Brahma demon, consistent with the Build Back Better campaign.
A 2020 Review: The Year of Fear
An irrational and disordered level of fear of death took over individual lives and society in 2020. Faith and hope is the antidote for 2021.
Just Go to Mass: The Health Department Has No Claim on your Eternal Salvation
Don’t let the health department or your pastors keep you from worshiping God.
An Advent Reflection on Hope in the Time of Chaos
Advent remains a time of hope even when the world around us seems to offer only hopelessness.
“Following the Science”: A Modern Heresy Controlling Our Lives
While “following the science” sounds reasonable, it is actually a modern heresy used to control our lives.