The Build Back Better campaign implements the satanic plan to dissolve and rebuild a new world order.
Category: World and National Politics
We have entered a phase in human history in which Christendom has been effectively eliminated from civil society, culture and law. This effort to destroy Christendom and build up a new order is not new. It began just before the sixteenth century protestant revolt and continues to this day. Today, the campaign to destroy the Christian order and replace it with a godless, man-centered counterfeit is the Great Reset that operates under the Build Back Better slogan.
The Devil’s in More than the Details: How Satan is using The Virus to Destroy Charity
What is becoming quite clear is that the COVID Virus, and the reaction to it, is a spiritual attack by Satan designed to destroy charity and destroy souls.
False Religion, Golden Calves and the Problem with Wearing COVID-19 Face Masks
Why the obsession with face masks is a sign of one’s membership in the false COVID-19 religion.