In previous posts, I discussed how Satan himself is driving the so-called COVID pandemic to destroy charity and love in the world. The response to The Virus is of a religious nature, not one of the true God. It’s an effort to compel allegiance to a man-made, humanistic religion through false accusations, stoking fear and intentionally causing division among the people of the world.
Now that this new false religion has seemingly taken possession of the consciences of so many Americans who never saw it coming, the next step in this global effort is to begin transforming the world and humanity. This transformation is commonly referred to as the Great Reset.
In America, Joe Biden is introducing the political component to the Great Reset under the umbrella of his “Build Back Better” campaign. “Build Back Better,” or BBB, is not a new concept that Biden concocted. It has its origins in the United Nations dating back almost 15 years, and more recently popularized by the World Economic Forum, under the control of Klaus Schwab. BBB’s goal is not to restore the good ways of the past, but to impose a completely new social, political and economic order.
The basic premise of BBB is that a new world order can be constructed upon the ruins of a destroyed society. Without explicitly stating as such, the program is communistic in nature as it emphasizes the need for equal economic outcomes, avoidance of competition, reconstruction of infrastructures, and recognizing global authority while empowering local authorities to enforce the plan. As I will show, not only is BBB seeking to impose a new communistic political economy, it seeks to fundamentally change humanity.
That may seem like a tall order for a man who claims he is just a simple blue collar man from Scranton, Pennsylvania trying to help out the little guy. Accept when you realize he is just a pawn in a much larger preternatural attack on God and the Christian order.
Baphomet, Solve and Coagula
To see the diabolical connection between BBB and Satan himself, it’s necessary to recognize that “Build Back Better” is essentially the same slogan Satan and his followers adopted. This is evident in the depiction of Baphomet, a fictional goat-like creature that various occult and satanic groups utilize, almost like a logo. According to an article in Correspondences, an open access peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the (presumably the favorable) study of esotericism, Baphomet “is the embodiment of a politically connoted tradition of ‘true religion’ which would realize a synthesis of religion, science, and politics.”
If you think Baphomet and all it stands for is a fringe, silly figurine confined to the black magic shops in hippie backwater towns, along with tarot card readers and crystal balls, you would be sadly mistaken. The satanic fueled cult of Baphomet has stretched its ugly tentacles across the nation to the point of being displayed in public squares such as in Detroit and the Arkansas state capitol. It is becoming a well-known, mainstream icon of the occult.
There is much history and symbolism behind Baphomet as typically depicted. However, I want to focus on the right arm of the goat-like creature where the Latin word “solve” is inscribed. On the left arm “coagula” is written. These Latin words mean dissolve and rebuild, respectively.
It is well known that this process of dissolving and rebuilding was connected to the idea alchemy popularized in the Middle Ages, in which it was thought that base metals like lead could be broken down and reformed into a precious metal, such as gold. Alchemy began as a get-rich scheme that swindlers developed, but morphed into something much more diabolical as mankind began to openly reject western Christendom along with the authority of the Catholic Church.
This pseudo-scientific idea of alchemy served as an allegory for a philosophical line of thought that taught human nature could, like lead into gold, be transformed into a divine nature. Humanity, along with the rest of the natural world, could be reworked into something much greater and better through the efforts of mankind alone. In doing so, man would be able to conquer and eliminate hardship and suffering in a world that previously was bogged down in misery, subjected to the backward ideas of the Catholic Church.
If knowledgeable leaders and experts were free to implement the plan, and the people of the world could be convinced to reject their past beliefs in God and allegiance to the Church, mankind could securely put faith in his own abilities to transform the world and perfect it. Mankind itself becomes its own god and we can turn to ourselves, as mediated through our political overlords and “experts,” for answers to global disasters and hardships.
Solve and coagula encapsulate this notion of reconstructing the world into a utopia devoid of suffering, environmental destruction and inequality. This is a two-step process: dissolve or take down, and then rebuild or coagulate into a new form. Satanists associate themselves with this slogan and it’s imprinted on the arms of the false idol Baphomet. This makes sense if you are Satan seeking to drag souls to hell and you want to convince a poor soul that they can avoid suffering by rejecting God and accepting a better plan.
The concept of solve and coagula is not a new one by any stretch. Most Christians familiar with Holy Scripture should recognize this is exactly what the devil tempted Adam and Eve with in the Garden of Eden:
He asked the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You shall not eat from any of the trees in the garden’? The woman answered the snake: “We may eat of the fruit of the trees in the garden; it is only about the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden [tree of the knowledge of good and evil] that God said, ‘You shall not eat it or even touch it, or else you will die.’” But the snake said to the woman: “You certainly will not die! God knows well that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened and you will be like gods, who know good and evil.” (Genesis 3:1-5).
This attempt to gain knowledge and divinity in violation of the Lord’s command did in fact cause Adam and Eve, and their progeny, to die—both physically and spiritually in Original Sin. Adam and Eve bought into Satan’s lie and rejected Paradise that God prepared for them in exchange for a false promise of divinity and super-human knowledge. This quest to seize divinity for oneself, sustained on pride and rejection of God’s commands, is one that continues to this day. Today, we are told to reject the archaic teachings of Western Civilization and the Church designed to keep the little guy down and exchange it for a new reality that will exalt mankind to new heights never before achieved.
Biden’s “Build Back Better” Scheme
This nefarious mission to become the divine at the expense of Truth, is rapidly taking on a political form with Joe Biden’s Build Back Better campaign. A brief skim through some selected key ideas will suffice to prove the point:
- Biden believes this is no time to just build back to the way things were before, with the old economy’s structural weaknesses and inequalities still in place. This is the moment to imagine and build a new American economy for our families and the next generation.
- The Biden economic recovery plan for working families will build our economy back better.
- Mobilize American ingenuity to build a modern infrastructure and an equitable, clean energy future.
- Building back better means an updated social contract that treats American workers and working families as essential at all times, not just times of crisis
What’s important for our purposes in understanding the diabolical nature of this plan is that in order for the BBB to work, there first has to be a disaster (or deconstruction) of come type. None of it makes any sense unless there is first destruction of the old order. The UN plan initially assumed this could occur through a natural disaster, such as an earthquake or hurricane. More devious, aggressive and perhaps impatient globalists figured out that a world-wide, invisible virus that supposedly kills millions would do the trick. And so, here we are today—regardless of the truth or accuracy of the claim, we are told there is a world-wide crisis killing millions and we have the excuse to Build Back America and make it Better.
These points contain key words that should send shivers down the spine of all red-blooded Americans. References to the old economy, structural weaknesses, and new American economy may seem innocuous to the casual reader, but these are code words for those in the know, who recognize the solve and coagula on Baphomet’s arms.
Like Adam and Eve, we are told, “The old way was a lie designed to persecute and suppress the marginalized. Reject the old way, and accept a new and better way to perfect the world and give the oppressed the freedom they deserve!“
The platform makes reference to building economies, infrastructures and the future. We already have an economy, infrastructure and a future. We don’t need Joe Biden to build them. Yet, that’s the demonic design, which seeks to build a new world on the ruins of Christian morals and values.
We see a reference to an updated social contract. Those familiar with political philosophy will recognize the allusion to John Locke’s social contract, which Locke believed guaranteed the rights of individual citizens and formed the theoretical foundation and basis for governmental authority in America and other western nations. What’s this updated version of the foundational contract going to look like? Is the new contract going to be based on a global-level sovereign authority that is needed to coordinate a new economy and enforce equality?
Nothing, of course, in Biden’s plan has anything to do with the restoration of Christ’s social kingship or protecting the institution of marriage and the family. Nor does his plan seek to end the evils of abortion, euthanasia or child sex trafficking. Quite the opposite. It is all about building up a new society that didn’t exist before. The only thing it seeks to preserve is the structures of sin already established and accepted in the culture.
Presidential Election of 2020
Given Biden’s acceptance and desire to implement a diabolically influenced scheme to overthrow Christendom, once and for all, and reconstruct a new world order under the over-lordship of Klaus Schwab and his minions, we can no longer pretend like this presidential election is just another political event. It truly is another battlefront in a much larger spiritual war that is raging and spilling over into the earthly realm. Take careful note of who is on whose side.
Archbishop Carlo Vigano, former Vatican nuncio (ambassador) to the United States, fully aware of this diabolical attempt to overthrow the remaining remnants of Christendom, wrote several letters to President Trump warning him of this coming onslaught. His letter, dated June 7, 2020, is particularly relevant because he specifically refers to solve and coagula in the context of the lawlessness and civil unrest that was openly promoted and accepted by Democrats over the summer. Indeed, the riots and unrest, on top of the reaction to the virus, appear from all accounts to have been intentionally instigated and promoted in effort to destroy the remaining structures of the old lawful order with the goal of building up a new order.
In summary, considering Biden’s push to adopt a globalist agenda, adopting the concept of solve and coagula in his own platform, it is obvious to me that this presidential election truly is different than any one before it. This diabolically influenced platform is a direct attack on Christendom and God Himself. The BBB is ready to be realized and is only waiting for gullible and fearful Americans, who already bought into the false religion of fear and panic, to open their compromised hearts and minds to rejecting God and begin eating the fruit of this new utopian tree of evil. The trap is about to be sprung.
For more information on the cult of Baphomet and its relationship to the implementation of Build Back Better both in America and in the antichurch under Francis, watch this excellent short video from Dr. Taylor Marshall.
For an excellent reaction to the Build Back Better campaign from a spiritual point of view with tips for fighting back, check out this video produced by Father David Nix.