The biggest problem, of course, with the COVID-19 mRNA injections currently available is that they are evil. And how easy it is that most Catholics forget that the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith (CDF) and the Pontifical Academy for Life (PAF) actually all agree that they are evil. But you would never know that if you listen to certain bishops and popular social media clergy who find some sort of bizarre, if not downright creepy, satisfaction in shoving these jabs into our arms.
“Vaccine” Mandates are Destroying People’s Lives
Now, this effort to stab as many people possible with the devil’s shot has gone to the next level as both civil governments and certain Church officials are requiring citizens and parishioners to get the jab. Their efforts are leading to the destruction of businesses, careers, the healthcare system and dragging families into poverty. They are also destroying hope of eternal life for souls.
A recent social media exchange between a well-known internet priest highlights exactly how this is beginning to play out. The gist of the issue is that this priest has been not just aggressive but downright belligerent when it comes to pushing the COVID-19 jabs. He claims, of course, that it is morally acceptable to get the jab so therefore as a matter of charity you should get it. Why is it moral? Well, because taking the injections only constitutes remote material cooperation with evil, and therefore, you should do it. For several months he has made the argument that we engage in activities that involve remote material cooperation all the time (purchasing products from companies that donate to Planned Parenthood, paying taxes that fund abortions, buying bananas picked using slave labor, etc.) and taking the COVID shot is no different. This implies that you are a hypocrite if you dare oppose taking the jab.
Here is a snippet of the conversation, click on the link above for the full conversation:

The “remote material cooperation with evil” argument is the same standard argument used by numerous Bishops, the CDF and PAF to justify getting the shot. Well guess what? Now some employers, including the United States military, are actually agreeing with what the Vatican and social media influencers are publicly proclaiming and faithful Catholics are losing their jobs over it.
Modernists Use “Remote Material Cooperation” to Excuse Evil
Putting aside for now whether these secular employers have a legal right to use statements from clergy to deny religious exemptions (I don’t believe they have that right), these irresponsible statements from the hierarchy and influential internet priests who are obsessed with being considered “woke” in popular culture and pride themselves on finding loopholes in moral theology to justify sinful activities is downright disgusting, evil and the consequences of it are getting very real. Not just for the dead babies whose cell lines continue to be used to develop new medications and vaccines since society now thinks Catholics “don’t really oppose it”, but for adults trying to raise families and live a virtuous life.
I previously wrote on the problem with legalism, a tactic used in Modernist circles to work backwards from a predetermined conclusion, using valid but self-selected principles of moral theology and facts, to justify bad behavior. This style of argumentation is superficially attractive because it appears to apply accepted Catholic theological or moral principles. But in fact, the Modernist heretics are simply abusing those well-founded principles to promote and sanctify evil behavior. The distinction between a valid application of moral principles and a twisted abuse of such principles to achieve a predetermined outcome is quite simple to observe when considering how they attempt to use “remote material cooperation with evil” to justify taking the abortion-tainted COVID injections currently on the market.
Not unlike the Pharisees and doctors of the law Christ condemned in Holy Scripture, being the legalists that they are, the Modernist’s pride and desire to please others and look really smart to others by finding “legal” or “moral” ways to give Catholics the answers they want to hear, as opposed to the answers they need to hear, almost always ends in disaster. Then the Modernist, like the priest identified above in the social media conversation who threw the match on the fire in the first place, walks away and claims it wasn’t his fault someone else’s life was destroyed because they were so brilliant in finding a “legitimate” legal or moral loophole.
This type of dishonest legalism has been going on for decades since Modernism infiltrated the Church during and after the Second Vatican Council (Vatican II). It is quite common to hear Modernist priests preach to the world that you don’t need really need to convert others to the faith in order for them to be saved because they will be saved anyway due to “invincible ignorance” or that it is morally acceptable to attend same-sex “weddings” because the Catholic’s presence at such sacrilegious events would maintain relationships and keep the door of dialogue open with those who do not know any better. This tortured logic and misuse of valid Catholic principles gives the answer the sheep want to hear, while at the same time, throwing them to the wolves.
COVID Jabs are Still Cooperation with Evil—Even if Remote
The exact same thing is going on with the abortion-tainted COVID nRNA injections. This time, instead of misapplying the principle of “invincible ignorance” to justify remaining outside the Catholic Church and to avoid the unpleasantness of real evangelism, the Modernists are using the principle of “material remote cooperation” with evil to claim it is not only morally licit to injection yourself with an abortion-tainted poison, but it is an ACT OF CHARITY OR EVEN JUSTICE to do so and should even be REQUIRED.
So where is the slight of hand on this? Well, the answer is two-fold. One one hand, in order for cooperation with evil to be even considered moral, the cooperation must be material (i.e. you don’t actually intend for the evil to occur) and remote (not proximate or directly connected to the evil act itself). There must also be a grave reason for one’s participation in such an act, even if it is both material and remote. Much of the moral debate among Catholics has centered on these issues, and rightfully so because to claim COVID-19 with an extremely low death rate constitutes a “grave reason” for injecting yourself with abortion-tainted poison stretches the bounds of all reason and common sense.
But while the Modernists love narrowing the debate to arguing over whether COVID is serious enough to justify getting the COVID shot because they think their self-proclaimed superior argumentation and scientific knowledge automatically puts that question to bed, everyone seems to be missing the even bigger point that is extremely relevant right now: THE USE OF ABORTED BABY CELLS WHEN DEVELOPING OR TESTING MEDICATIONS IS STILL AN EVIL ACT. Even the USCCB, the CDF or PAF, would not disagree with that statement. That’s why in all their statements permitting Catholics to get jabbed, they also say we must work to develop vaccines that do not rely on aborted babies in development and testing. The CDF states:
“In fact, the licit use of such vaccines does not and should not in any way imply that there is a moral endorsement of the use of cell lines proceeding from aborted fetuses. Both pharmaceutical companies and governmental health agencies are therefore encouraged to produce, approve, distribute and offer ethically acceptable vaccines that do not create problems of conscience for either health care providers or the people to be vaccinated.” Note on the Morality of Using Some Anti-Covid-19 Vaccines, Para. 4, December 21, 2020.
The reason why they say that is because the use of such baby cell material is STILL EVIL. If it wasn’t evil, we wouldn’t still need to encourage and look for alternatives.
In fact, the CDF goes on to state that “At the same time, practical reason makes evident that vaccination is not, as a rule, a moral obligation and that, therefore, it must be voluntary.” Ibid, para. 5.
So even if (and that’s a big IF) these Modernists were correct that there was a sufficiently grave reason to justify jabbing yourself with gene manipulating, untested poison developed using dead baby cell lines, it doesn’t negate the reality that the underlying methods used to develop these potions USED EVIL MEANS. Just because material remote cooperation with evil may be licit in some circumstances, THAT DOES NOT MEAN ANYONE SHOULD BE FORCED OR COERCED INTO COOPERATING WITH EVIL because after all, IT IS STILL EVIL.
And to have the Church’s hierarchy such as the Archdiocese of Moncton, along with influential social media Modernists, tell Catholics they must get jabbed in order to feed their families or even receive the Church’s sacraments, is in itself an extremely grave moral evil. Why? Because they are abusing their authority in commanding or coercing Catholics into doing evil acts against their consciences.
And what makes matters even worse, they are using the sacraments of Holy Mother Church as a means to extort Catholics into injecting themselves with abortion-tainted poison. “No access to grace that Christ freely offered unless you engage in an evil act that we think you need to do!”
Don’t Cave In to Satan’s Tricks–Stay Strong!
It’s hard to fully grasp the numerous deep layers of evil that Modernism wraps up into pretty packages with a bow on top. But as we unwrap this unholy abomination, we can see why the bill of goods Modernists sell Catholics and non-Catholics alike are destroying lives and souls.
The bottom line to remember in all of this is that God is allowing Satan some freedom in the world to test us. And Satan is being particularly tricky and sly because he knows Catholics are inclined toward obedience, since we have been taught that obedience is a virtue. It’s not like the devil is stupid enough to use Satanists to tell Catholics they should eat of the fruit of demonic sacrifice. Of course, the Evil One is trying to use those with apparent legitimate authority to tempt and encourage those in their charge to engage in evil and jeopardize their souls. The strategy has paid off royally for the devil since Vatican II and will continue to render dividends for him until faithful Catholics stand up to this nonsense.
The thing to keep in mind when it comes to taking the COVID injections is that you don’t HAVE to engage or cooperate with evil. You have the ability to refuse to engage in evil and it doesn’t matter if that evil is remote or even if there is a grave reason that may justify your participation in evil. You will have to freely make that decision given your own particular circumstances, although I believe you must take into account the potential for scandal and Modernist motivations behind the pro-vax arguments. Just remember, you are never required to engage with evil and God would never ask you out of obedience or charity to do so.