While “following the science” sounds reasonable, it is actually a modern heresy used to control our lives.
The Devil’s Campaign Slogan: Build Back Better
The Build Back Better campaign implements the satanic plan to dissolve and rebuild a new world order.
The Devil’s in More than the Details: How Satan is using The Virus to Destroy Charity
What is becoming quite clear is that the COVID Virus, and the reaction to it, is a spiritual attack by Satan designed to destroy charity and destroy souls.
False Religion, Golden Calves and the Problem with Wearing COVID-19 Face Masks
Why the obsession with face masks is a sign of one’s membership in the false COVID-19 religion.
Why Christians Cannot Morally Vote for Biden
Using moral principles, it is possible to understand why voting for Joe Biden is immoral regardless of what your pastor says.
Rethinking the American Dichotomy
The real dichotomy affecting America is not conservatives vs. progressives, it’s good vs. evil.
Why Obedience to Christ and the Natural Law Does Not Require Theocracy
This last Sunday was the Feast of Christ the King in the traditional liturgical calendar in the Roman Catholic Church. The feast was instituted in 1925 by Pope Pius XI. In doing so, the Pope pointed out in his encyclical Quas Primas that “Jesus Christ was given to man, not only as our Redeemer, but…
Reclaiming the “Nature” in the Natural Law
About 15 years ago, before my reversion to the Catholic faith while sitting in my law school property law class, I remember clear as day the only mention of the natural law in three years of American legal education. It was mentioned by the professor because it was referenced in one line of the textbook….