I am happy to announce a new internet radio show called American Monarch Radio.
Independence from Whom?
As we celebrate another Independence Day in the United States of America, it’s important to remember from whom we declared independence.
Conservative Chaos: From Luther to Bud Light
What does Martin Luther have to do with Bud Light? They both play a cultural role in the current American conservative chaos.
Defending Tradition Against Vatican II
I should not have to write about defending Tradition against Vatican II. But we must stick up for the faith in the face of the current grave crisis in the Church.
Liberalism Is Still a Sin
Sometimes we forget that liberalism is still a sin. Some people never knew liberalism is a sin.
Divine Mercy or Modernist Delusion?
I tried to follow the Divine Mercy devotion, and even read Faustina’s entire diary, but I just can’t do it anymore.
Ignoring the Cross is Rejecting Christ’s Kingship
There is a major problem right now in both protestant and novus ordo Catholic communities and it’s fueling the insanity we witness and experience everyday now in modern America.
Am I a Good Person?
Christ told us “One there is who is good” and yet the Modernists and modern culture insist almost everyone is a “good person.”
Would God Really Send ME to Hell?
Can I really do something so bad, so terrible, or evil that God would send me to hell for eternity?
Authority Versus Power in the Church
The brewing liturgical wars seem to raise a lot of questions over authority versus power in the Church. This is a direct result of the Modernist heresy.