If you have not noticed, there are a lot of bad people in the world and we are in a battle for our culture and eternal souls. To have a fighting chance at resisting, responding to tactics bad people use to control you is a required skill.
This topic is timely not just because of the ongoing spiritual warfare against the forces of the Great Reset and the COVID religion but also in light of the new “dubia answers” coming down the pike from the Vatican with more attempts to suppress the Traditional Latin Mass and the sacraments.
War in the Political Trenches
I speak with some experience here because I spent several years in the trenches of the Republican Party, both at the state and local levels. I was involved in many internal fights, disputes and wrangling for power within the party structure. I held positions of leadership myself and actively worked to rid the party of corruption with some degree of success. I also was involved in litigation to ensure election integrity and even worked behind the scenes in COVID-19 litigation when local health dictators began to illegally shut down local businesses while giant politically protected corporations continued to make billions.
I experienced first hand how the old guard establishment party leaders emotionally manipulated others and used internal bylaws, procedures and legal mechanisms (often times flat out cheating) in order to keep control of the Republican organization. I also saw how the good folks, the farmers, blue collar workers, and parents of large families did not have the time or background knowledge needed to fight back against such corruption within the party.
I knew I had some skills to offer in this regard and did my best to fight back against the establishment and did manage to help get into public office and leadership positions within the party some honest, good people who have done a good job. Some of them are still my friends to this day.
Ultimately, I realized that nothing in this country is going to change just by taking control of political parties or even electing the right people to public office, although we can’t just give up on politics either. We need to keep our head above the water as best we can until we get the supernatural relief we desperately need. At the same time, I am a firm believer that politics is downhill from culture and that in order to really change politics, we much first restore Christendom.
My purpose in going through this history is simply to confirm that I have experience dealing with political hacks, crooked people and narcissists who love power and will do anything to keep it.
Six Tactics Bad People Use to Control You
I will now summarize for you six tactics bad people commonly use to control others and get what they want. I saw all of these strategies play out in the political trenches and I see them come to light again as the globalists seek to destroy Christ’s Church. Many traditional Catholics and Christians of all stripes, who have no experience dealing with these types of wretched people, have been completely caught off guard.
As I summarize these six tactics, I suspect certain politicians or Church leaders will come to mind.
1. Intentional Emotional Manipulation:
Bad people intentionally use emotional manipulation to control others. Good people also can emotionally manipulate others, but usually it’s unknowing or unintentional. When good people emotionally manipulate others they usually recognize it at some point and seek forgiveness.
Intentional emotional manipulation involves the manipulator identifying a virtue or good trait that most normal people possess and use it against them. The COVID-19 scamdemic is a perfect example. Desiring good health and avoiding death is a normal inclination. The emotional manipulating politician or church authority exploits this natural and rational desire to avoid illness and death in order to gain control through deception making the average sane person feel unreasonably fearful or guilty for not wanting to cooperate with their “solutions” to fix a problem that they artificially constructed in the first place. Additionally, Gaslighting and Stockholm Syndrome are forms of emotional manipulation, but because they are such prevalent and powerful tactics, they deserve to be covered separately (see below).
2. Gaslighting:
If you are not familiar with the term “gaslighting” you need to be. It has even made its way into the Merriam-Webster dictionary. This dictionary defines it as:
“psychological manipulation of a person usually over an extended period of time that causes the victim to question the validity of their own thoughts, perception of reality, or memories and typically leads to confusion, loss of confidence and self-esteem, uncertainty of one’s emotional or mental stability, and a dependency on the perpetrator.”
The term comes from the 1944 film Gaslight—a movie about a husband that tricks his wife into thinking she is crazy so that he can control and steal from her. In politics, especially with the new COVID religion, we see this every time we hear someone being called a “conspiracy theorist” or wearing a “tin foil hat” or other such terms used in a derogatory way to make someone think they are crazy or insane for simply observing the obvious. Even in Church politics we see this come up, if for example, you think the Church has been infiltrated by communists and homosexuals in effort to undermine or destroy the Church. Again, if you contend with the established narrative, always set by others who have political leverage or control, you are not a well-intentioned person trying to discover the truth, but a complete “whack-job.”
3. Stockholm Syndrome:
Merriam Webster defines Stockholm Syndrome as “the psychological tendency of a hostage to bond with, identify with, or sympathize with his or her captor.” We see this play out in politics, especially during the COVID scamdemic, when government dictators shut the world economy down and impose mask/vaccine mandates while they watch the hostages (that’s us) beg for some relief. Then, when they lighten restrictions, the populace rejoices and gives thanks to the captors. And once the citizenry thanks their merciful overlords, the restrictions get imposed again, often harsher with stricter terms. Control is given to the captor when they give us a little taste of freedom and then rip it away — knowing we will beg for relief as our dependence on them grows. We see the same thing in the Church when “Pope” Francis Bergoglio grants certain Latin Mass communities permission to celebrate the Mass of Ages, which is our right as Catholics—and once he secures their professed loyalty, cracks down even harder.
4. Use of “experts” to shut down discussion:
A past state party chairman happened to be an attorney that worked for a politically connected law firm and used that position to make other lower-level volunteers in the party, who did not have legal “expertise,” feel uninformed and even stupid at times. This “knowledge of the law” was used to control the conduct of meetings and even to set policy within the party and coerce others to fall in line with his vision of liberal Republicanism. With COVID, we see the use of “medical expert” opinions to control the narrative—to coerce the populace into thinking they must follow what the “science” or whatever the experts say. If they tell you 2+2=5, you have to accept it because you are not an expert or a scientist—just an uneducated rube dependent on others to tell you what “science” means. That former state party chairman, by the way, is now disbarred and facing criminal prosecution for white collar financial crimes. In Catholic social media, we see it with lay people, who paid tuition for a few years to purchase a theology or law degree they never actually used in real life to help other people, set up a Youtube channel and then proceed to tell others they have no right to question their “expertise.” I have discussed this topic in more detail previously — watch out for this trick.
5. Legalism:
I have also written previously on Legalism and how it works in detail. To summarize here, it’s basically a way to achieve a goal or reach a predetermined conclusion using carefully selected facts and working backwards from that conclusion to reconstruct what appears to be on the surface a well-reasoned argument. It’s not an exercise in seeking Truth—it’s an exercise in deception in effort to justify one’s own desires and will. In the political context, I often came across this tactic when party leaders needed to achieve an outcome, such as making sure a political crony was elected to a position in the party organization. The procedural rules of meetings and internal elections would be manipulated to achieve this outcome. Sometimes the strict letter of the rules were enforced contrary to the spirit or intent of the rule, while the letter of rule was often ignored other times. It just depended on what outcome those in control wanted to achieve. And since most of the grassroots activists were not skilled in understanding legal documents or procedural rules, it was easy to pull-off. This also happens with Modernists in the Church who try to justify and excuse sin (such as taking the abortion-tainted mRNA drug or defending divorce and remarriage) by manipulating principles of moral theology or cherry-picking various points of Holy Scripture or Church teaching so that their bizarre and evil positions appear perfectly in line with Christianity.
6. False Calls for Unity:
Another tactic typically used is to claim any disagreement or push-back against the politically correct position is “divisive” or destructive of unity. Platitudes such as “don’t engage in the circular firing squad” or “that’s a schismatic spirit” come to mind. They are designed to strike at the heart of a well-meaning person trying to call-out falsehoods and end corruption. It’s a powerful tactic because no one wants to be accused of being a traitor or disloyal, which is exactly what these insults imply, especially when done so with malice in order to bully others into backing down and accepting the will of the overlord. Notice, however, how the call for “unity” always requires others agreeing with them.
All of the above tactics work very well whether you are Joe Biden or Jorge Bergoglio. They use the same tactics because it works so well. The question, then, is how to combat it?
Responding to Evil Tactics
Accepting the Truth is so liberating! Acknowledging that so many of our political leaders are bought and paid for and seek to destroy and enslave you while Antichurch bishops, in accordance with the sheer will of “Pope” Francis Bergoglio, seek to take away your God-given sacraments is the first step. It’s sad how naive so many out there (especially on Catholic social media) refuse to set aside their rose colored blinders simply in order not to appear crazy in the eyes of others.
Do not be afraid to speak the Truth when you see it—even to your friends and family. Go out in public without masks. Do not quit your job over a vaccine mandate but use every legal tool at your disposal to defend your right to earn a living without being coerced into taking an evil, abortion tainted drug against your will. Keep your children out of mask/vaccine mandating schools.
Do not deny what God revealed to us through 2000 years of Church teaching in order to stay in the good graces of figure skating Bishops who lack supernatural faith and treat the Church as their personal NGO serving the goals of globalism and Satan. Laity and clergy alike must resist and openly object to immoral and evil acts, including attempts to change or restrict the sacraments, regardless of who attempts to take them away.
Stop compromising on truth by accepting false notions of charity and obedience. These good virtues have been weaponized to cower you into being fearful and failing to defend Truth. Charity requires speaking the truth and obedience requires following the teachings of Christ and His Church—that’s what matters.
Finally, we must remember that Christ DID institute a Church and it IS under attack. The real Church, the real faith is being persecuted. But we were born at this place and this time for a reason. We must recall great saints of the past like Thomas More and Joan of Arc who stood up to evil authorities without counting the costs. And even think about modern day heroes like Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre who knew Rome was forcing his hand to compromise on the faith and yet refused to play the game.
I hope to speak more about being joyful as we enter the Christmas season because we cannot let these evil people destroy our faith or joy. Stay strong, ¡viva Cristo Rey!