I said it before, and I will say it again, this suppression of the Traditional Latin Mass is not about the Mass—it is about forcing the laity, priests and religious societies into swearing loyalty to the Second Vatican Council (Vatican II) and all the rotten fruit that goes along with it.
I gave this warning several months ago when it appeared Rome was going to ease up on the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP) after a closed-door discussion. Please review my comments at the time in both PART 1 and PART 2.
Since then, we all know that Cardinals Cupich, Gregory and now Bishop Burbidge are doubling down on crushing the Mass of the Ages. However, I contend, they really do not care about the Mass at all. The prayers, rubrics, music, and language are ultimately irrelevant. It is NOT about the Mass.
Everything I am going to explain in this article is based on my personal experience deep in the nasty political trenches of American politics. Regrettably, I spent many years mired in the political and legal swamps of local and state party politics, and thankfully got out before becoming too jaded, although you see a side of this nation that tends to make one very cynical.
I gained first-hand experience with the underhanded and dirty tactics of politicians trying to force other people to do things against their will. I speak to you coming from this background and not because I have a theology degree. I am not denigrating those with such a degree, I am simply highlighting this, so you understand why my opinion is grounded in real-world politics and not theology—and trust me—what’s happening here is all politics and has nothing to do with the faith.
It is well known that the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest (ICK) was forced into shutting down the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) in Chicago under Cardinal Archbishop Cupich.
Susan Thomas, the spokeswoman for the Archdiocese, has now officially responded and claims that the Institute “chose” (super-big air quotes) not to continue with the TLM at its Shrine and that Cupich did not ban anyone from celebrating the TLM.
In the same Sun Times article, almost as an afterthought, it is noted:
“The Shrine had the option to continue Latin Mass under the guidelines and decided not to,” Thomas added.
AHH, so what were these guidelines? You can read Cupich’s “guidelines” in their entirety HERE. To make sense of what is happening with the ICK, and indeed all Ecclesia Dei communities, I suggest you focus on a few key provisions of that document, much of which is taken from Traditionis Custodes.
Let’s start with a few selections from the Preamble wherein the emphases are all mine:
The intention of the “motu proprio,” “Traditionis Custodes” (“TC”), is to re-establish throughout the Church of the Roman Rite a single and identical prayer that expresses its unity, according to the liturgical books promulgated by the saintly popes Paul VI and John Paul II, in conformity with the decrees of the Second Vatican Council.
The guiding principles for receiving and implementing this “motu proprio” must be the unity of the church and the recognition that the Second Vatican Council and its reforms are not only an authentic action of the Holy Spirit but also are in continuity with the tradition of the church.
Accompaniment may also take the form of visiting with the faithful who have regularly attended Mass celebrated in the earlier form to help them understand the essential principles of renewal called for in the Second Vatican Council…
As you can see, Cupich’s documents, which purports to implement the provision of Bergoglio’s Traditionis Custodes, is entirely grounded in and focused on Vatican II.
Now, moving into the substance of the document, we find that this theme continues:
As of Jan. 25, 2022, all priests, deacons and instituted ministers need to request and receive permission from the Archbishop of Chicago to celebrate the Eucharist using the antecedent liturgy… Additionally, in making this request they must explicitly affirm “the validity and legitimacy of the liturgical reform, the teaching of the Second Vatican Council and the Magisterium of the Supreme Pontiffs,” and demonstrate an appreciation “of the value of concelebration, particularly at the Chrism Mass.” (Para. 1).
Priests and those groups that receive permission from the Archbishop of Chicago to celebrate the Mass using the Missal of 1962, are bound on the first Sunday of the month to celebrate Mass only using the Missal of Paul VI…… Additionally, all celebrations of the church’s liturgies on Christmas, the Triduum, Easter Sunday, and Pentecost Sunday are to use exclusively the liturgical books promulgated by St. Pope Paul VI and St. Pope John Paul II… The intention of these requirements is to foster and make manifest the unity of this local church, as well as to provide all Catholics in the archdiocese an opportunity to offer a concrete manifestation of the acceptance of the teaching of the Second Vatican Council and its liturgical books. (Para. 6).
That should be enough proof that the purpose and goal of forcing traditional Catholics out of and into the New Mass is to “recognize,” “understand,” “appreciate,” and “manifest acceptance” of the Second Vatican Council. It has nothing to do with the Mass itself, the rubrics or worshiping God in the way He wants.
I hope it is obvious now why the Institute “chose” (super-big air quotes again) to not continue celebrating the TLM in Chicago. It is almost certainly because they cannot comply with these conditions laid upon them as a prerequisite for celebrating the Latin Mass.
Most Traditionalists, especially on social media, are really missing this point. They are raising cane over the obvious hypocrisy of allowing blasphemous Masses in the archdiocese while shutting down reverent Latin Masses. But that outrage assumes Cupich actually cares about what happens at Mass.
Yes, at one point the Modernists were interested in forcing the laity into the New Mass. For the most part they were successful with that back in the 1970s. What they are much more interested in now is making sure everyone, laity, clergy, religious communities, etc., openly pledge their loyalty specifically to Vatican II and themselves as interpreters of Vatican II. They do not care what happens at Mass, any Mass.
Why? Because Vatican II is what is going to be used to justify compliance with the principles of the Modernist Antichurch, which is the “spiritual” component to the New World Order’s Great Reset.
It is by and through Vatican II’s guiding principles of ecumenism, social justice and accompaniment that we will soon come to see ordained women, homosexual marriages, forced wealth redistribution, Mother Earth worship, contraception approval and tacit acceptance of abortion and abortion-based drugs—all in accordance with the diktats of the Great Reset and New World Order.
The only group within the remnant of the authentic Catholic Church opposed to these so-called principles of Vatican II are the traditionalists. And what do the traditionalists care about? What is the center of the faith for them? The Sacrifice of the Holy Mass, of course.
And how do you get traditionalists to go along with the Vatican II political agenda, which is also going to include all the new discoveries unearthed by the Synod on Synodality? The answer: extort them into accepting the principles of Vatican II by threatening to shut down the TLM.
As the suppression of the TLM continues on from diocese to diocese, notice they are not going to just “ban” the Latin Mass, although you may see some severe restrictions to back up the threats. What we will see is more extortion to force traditionalists into recognizing, understanding, appreciating and manifesting acceptance of Vatican II, the Synod on Synodality and everything else that comes with it.
Narcissistic politicians like Cupich do not respect meekness or appeals to reverence and fairness. When they see traditionalists make public pleas for mercy and fairness, all the wolves see is blood in the water. The only thing they respect or respond to is counter-political leverage. What leverage do traditionalists have?
Some have suggested withholding money, and that certainly is something traditionalists need to do. Stop funding Bishop appeals. Direct your money to traditional priests, parishes and traditional societies that refuse to be bullied. While it may sting a little, these Bishops do not need traditionist money. They are financially supported by and subservient to world bankers, liberal donors and the federal government. So that is probably not the only solution.
More effective perhaps would be to publicly stand up to evil, ignore unjust commands, and refuse to give what the Modernists want: acceptance of Vatican II. Mainstream conservative Catholics with their legalistic arguments and desire for their Bishop’s approval already cut themselves and others off at the knees by their uncritical acceptance of Vatican II. Bergoglio and Cupich know this and understand they have these so-called conservative Catholics backed into a corner. Traditionalists should not fall into the same trap. Bergoglio and Cupich come to political fights with guns and knives to stab you in the back.
At the end of the day, as much as everyone would like to pretend there is nothing wrong with Vatican II, no one is going to avoid the discussion that needs to be had over both the validity, impact and errors of Vatican II. This is exactly the discussion Bergoglio and Cupich are hoping to avoid.