Not another Catholic YouTube Channel! I had no intention of taking the liturgy wars to the streets, but on the spur of the moment without any planning or script, I decided to enter the fray with a new YouTube channel.
The recent uptick in attacks on the SSPX really got me thinking about this. Whether or not anyone wants to admit it, we are in the middle of a cold war inside the Catholic Church right now between Modernists and faithful Catholics. It is about to become an open war and traditional Catholics are not prepared for it. The Modernists have stolen our heritage, our traditions (big and small T) and next they want to take away the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM).
Most of the current Catholic Youtubers and bloggers out there love to talk about how smart they are, and how much they know about the faith while arguing with each other over who is more Catholic or not. Very few are talking about how these problems affect real people’s lives, nor do they discuss any concrete solutions or provide any action plans for converting souls, defeating the Modernists within the Church, and defending the Church in the public square of ideas in popular culture.
I do not claim to have all the answers, but these discussions need to start happening—and now. The best place to start is with the TLM. We know the Vatican is chomping at the bit to strike another blow to the TLM and traditional societies. The Mass is the core, the lifeblood, the strength from which we can draw graces to defend Holy Mother Church against attacks from both the Modernists inside the Church and her enemies on the outside. And they know it. Modernists hate the TLM because it remains a nagging obstacle to their plan to the destroy Roman Catholicism.
Obviously, prayer and fasting are going to be required. But are you willing to stick your neck out and maybe endure personal risk or, if God demands it from you, martyrdom for the faith? Let us remember those brave souls who lost their lives during the Western Rebellion in response to Archbishop Cranmer’s attempt to replace the TLM with a watered-down version of a “new” Mass in the sixteenth century.
Instead of cutting deals with the Vatican in effort to appear more “obedient” and begging for scraps from the Modernist Bergoglian table of global communism, maybe the goal should be not just to keep the TLM available in certain limited areas but restoring the TLM to every single Catholic parish in the world?!
Impossible you say? Well, unless anyone suggests it, argues for it, and tries to achieve it, it will not happen absent supernatural intervention because the Church has been hijacked by those who want to destroy the TLM and finish off what we used to know as the Roman Catholic Church at the Synod on Synodality. Are you okay with that?
I started the YouTube channel for this reason. To start a real conversation with folks who are living this Modernist nightmare on the ground—not in the classrooms of Steubenville. It is all unscripted, off the cuff, and I have no idea exactly where I am going to take it—but that’s what makes it authentic and real. Please check out the first episode, like it and subscribe, and feel free to post comments on the YouTube channel so others can see the engagement that needs to happen in this war for the Church.