The greatest reason not to get the COVID shot is not solely because of its connection to abortion or forced medical treatment but to avoid rendering to Caesar what rightfully belongs to God.
There are a lot of reasons not to get the COVID-19 mRNA injection, so called “vaccine.” It is undisputed that all COVID shots currently on the market either were directly manufactured or tested using aborted baby fetal cell lines. VAERS data also demonstrates reports of serious injuries and death resulting from these medications, while those who receive the injections are still getting and dying from COVID. I also posted before that when Christians elect to receive these injections it leads to great scandal and undercuts the anti-abortion movement.
As time goes on thousands of people, from well-known celebrities down to blue collar workers, are losing their jobs and ability to support their families because of vaccine mandates. For this reason, it is clear that we need to do an even better job at articulating why taking these injections is evil and must be avoided at all costs. We must do this so that those who are sacrificing their careers and livelihoods for the Truth are not doing so in vain.
The greatest reason not to get the COVID shots, beyond the obvious connection to abortion and health hazards, has nothing to do with the injection itself.
Ask yourself this hypothetically: even if the injection itself was not developed using aborted babies or actually was somewhat effective in preventing a dangerous disease with a minimal risk, would you take it?
I asked myself this question many times and my conscience keeps telling me NO. Despite being a civil litigator for 15 years, trained to make cogent arguments to persuade others, I found myself struggling to articulate exactly why my answer would still remain NO. After some additional soul searching and reflection on Holy Scripture, Church doctrine and Christian history, I am confident now to make the case.
Sins Against Faith—Pinching the Incense
As horrific and awful as abortion is, there is a sin even more serious and graver than killing the unborn. It’s a rejection of God Himself and the faith. St. Thomas Aquinas tells us:
“Every sin consists formally in aversion from God…Hence the more a sin severs man from God, the graver it is. Now man is more than ever separated from God by unbelief, because he has not even true knowledge of God: and by false knowledge of God, man does not approach Him, but is severed from Him. Nor is it possible for one who has a false opinion of God, to know Him in any way at all, because the object of his opinion is not God. Therefore it is clear that the sin of unbelief is greater than any sin that occurs in the perversion of morals (emphasis added).” Summa Theologiæ, II of II, Q. 10, a. 3.
The problem with the COVID shot is the same problem Christians faced during the time of the Roman Emperor’s persecution of Christians. The story is well known that during the time when Christianity was illegal, Roman authorities would order those accused of being Christians to burn a pinch of incense before the emperor’s image. Many Christians caved into the pressure, while others remained strong and refused to pinch the incense. Those who refused were the ones executed; those who pinched the incense were freed.
Let’s analyze WHY those faithful Christians refused to pinch the incense. Was there anything inherently evil about the incense itself? No, Christians use incense all the time, including up to the present day. Was the problem with the motivation of those pinching the incense? Certainly, most of those who ended up pinching the incense did not actually want to worship the emperor as a god or thought he was a god. They were doing it to avoid being killed or perhaps to stay alive in order to feed a family at home.
So, if the problem is not with the incense itself or even with the motivations of those pinching the incense, what is the problem with doing it? Why were some simply unwilling to do it at the cost of their earthly lives?
Oh sure, there is a lot of pressure and coercion pushing people into getting the shot. I have no doubt Christ would take this into account at the final judgment of those pressured into taking the shot. But at the end of the day, no one is shooting us with tranquilizer dart guns (yet) and forcibly injecting the poison into our veins either. The bad guys are not even threatening to kill us (yet.)
The masters of the Great Reset and their subordinate minions—such as state governors and corporate CEOs—need to see all of us comply with their edicts and do so, at least on the surface, voluntarily.
But as God’s earthly creatures who owe ultimate obedience to God and not the state when they come into conflict, we simply cannot comply with what the great COVID religion masters want because by doing so we are giving to them what rightfully belongs to Christ – our faith. Remember Christ’s instruction to us:
“Then he saith to them: Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s; and to God, the things that are God’s.” Matthew 22:21
Voluntary Submission to COVIDISM = Rejection of Christ’s Kingship
Most modern pagans and Novus Ordo Catholics have been taught literally nothing about the doctrine of Christ’s Social Kingship. The secular world rejected any notion of Christ’s Social Kingship during the Enlightenment and political revolutions of the eighteenth century. The Antichurch at Vatican II scrapped Christ’s Social Kingship in Dignitatis Humanae. Of course, Protestants rejected it long ago.
It is no wonder then that Americans, including most Catholics and their Novus Ordo pastors, are lining up and encouraging people to get the COVID shots. They simply have no concept or understanding of what Pope Pius XI was talking about when he instituted the Feast of Christ the King in 1925 A.D. to promote His social kingship, despite explaining:
“It would be a grave error, on the other hand, to say that Christ has no authority whatever in civil affairs, since, by virtue of the absolute empire over all creatures committed to him by the Father, all things are in his power.” Quas Primas, para. 17.
Instead, with pinching the modern incense known as the COVID “vaccines” they are implicitly rejecting Christ’s Social Kingship in exchange for submitting to the over-lordship of a global new world order, built upon the ruins of what used to be Christendom. Everything this globalist regime stands for opposes Christ:
Man has authority over God
Man controls life and death
Man's law supersedes God's law
God has authority over man
God controls life and death
Divine and natural law supersede man's law
The list goes on and on. And yet these perverse ideas are what every single person who submits to the pressure to get the COVID shot is signing up for. And the global masters know it.
The greatest reason not to get the shot is because doing so is an open rejection of the faith and in Christ’s Kingship over our personal and social lives. And this is why we must stand-up and defend those today willing to lose their jobs and careers in defense of what is right and true because in doing so we are standing up for Christ against the forces of darkness.
Viva Cristo Rey!